Friday, October 31, 2003
Trick or treat? That is the question. I'm sitting here making a little box to fill with candy so I can leave it on the front door so I can go out this evening. I just hope none of the more greedy kids take off with the whole stash. I'm not a huge fan of running to the door every couple minutes. The giving away candy part doesn't bother me one bit. Originally, I was going to go to Santa Barbara this weekend to check out the parties there but given what this week has been like, I have manged to fall behind on work and now I have a tremendous amount of extra work to do around the house. I'm supposed to wear a mask and be someone with SARS. (props to Pat on that idea)
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Reasons for not blogging since Saturday:
1. Seeing this outside your window first thing Sunday morning

2. Having only 1 change of clothes and my computer (w/o screen or keyboard).
3. Having several people knock and call telling you to pack your irreplaceable belongings.
4. Turning on the news and seeing. "Mandatory evacuation for Scripps Ranch," on all the local news channels.
5. Spending the evening at a hotel in Carlsbad.
6. Calling your house number every couple hours to check if the answering machine still works, yes that means the house is still standing.
7. Wondering/hoping your relatives houses are still standing.
Well, I must say that this has been a surreal experience. You never anticipate that anything like this is ever going to happen to you or your love ones or even your community. Gary must have some sort of intuition/connection with me because he called me Friday evening and asked me if I was okay since he is in Arkansas and the news at the time only said that So. Cal had raging brush fires. "How vague," he thought, so it wouldn't hurt to ask.
There are so many things to be thankful for. Chris, my brother, is so awesome. I called him up (he is in Santa Barbara), waking him between 8am and 9am and I am completely hysterical. I scream something along the line of, ~Scripps Ranch is in danger of brush fires, we have to evacuate. Where are the keys to the TL? etc etc.~ Next thing I know, mom is calling me from Hong Kong.
Needless to say, San Diego has been complete chaos.
-I got out of there with my relatives who also live in Scripps. Just to let you know, my house made it. We're not allowed into the area where the Lam's house is. We're hoping to get into the area to check out the damage there.
-The Monday night football game moved to Arizona so that Qualcomm can be used for the evacuees. Modern day refugees roaming the malls with their pets. All schools cancelled including classes at SDSU.
-Govenor Gray Davis was here in Scripps to check out the damage and hold a press conference.
When I was trying to think of possessions to save, it was really hard for me to decide. I couldn't think of anything. So my car was relatively empty. Well, when daylight breaks, we're going to try to survey the area again and I may try to take more photos.
1. Seeing this outside your window first thing Sunday morning
2. Having only 1 change of clothes and my computer (w/o screen or keyboard).
3. Having several people knock and call telling you to pack your irreplaceable belongings.
4. Turning on the news and seeing. "Mandatory evacuation for Scripps Ranch," on all the local news channels.
5. Spending the evening at a hotel in Carlsbad.
6. Calling your house number every couple hours to check if the answering machine still works, yes that means the house is still standing.
7. Wondering/hoping your relatives houses are still standing.
Well, I must say that this has been a surreal experience. You never anticipate that anything like this is ever going to happen to you or your love ones or even your community. Gary must have some sort of intuition/connection with me because he called me Friday evening and asked me if I was okay since he is in Arkansas and the news at the time only said that So. Cal had raging brush fires. "How vague," he thought, so it wouldn't hurt to ask.
There are so many things to be thankful for. Chris, my brother, is so awesome. I called him up (he is in Santa Barbara), waking him between 8am and 9am and I am completely hysterical. I scream something along the line of, ~Scripps Ranch is in danger of brush fires, we have to evacuate. Where are the keys to the TL? etc etc.~ Next thing I know, mom is calling me from Hong Kong.
Needless to say, San Diego has been complete chaos.
-I got out of there with my relatives who also live in Scripps. Just to let you know, my house made it. We're not allowed into the area where the Lam's house is. We're hoping to get into the area to check out the damage there.
-The Monday night football game moved to Arizona so that Qualcomm can be used for the evacuees. Modern day refugees roaming the malls with their pets. All schools cancelled including classes at SDSU.
-Govenor Gray Davis was here in Scripps to check out the damage and hold a press conference.
When I was trying to think of possessions to save, it was really hard for me to decide. I couldn't think of anything. So my car was relatively empty. Well, when daylight breaks, we're going to try to survey the area again and I may try to take more photos.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Well I missed the Friday post time deadline so this is going to show up as a Saturday post.
"I'm losing all control.
Just let me be, let me be alone for now.
Want to be alone tonight.
Once again [I] got off track and lost all hope for coming back.
I'm time to restart again and try all over again." -Rooney, Losing All Control
"I, I'm a new day rising, I'm a brand new sky to hang the stars upon tonight.
I, I'm a little divided. Do I stay or run away? Leave it all behind...
Its times like these you learn you live again.
Its times like these you give and give again.
Its times like these you learn to love again.
Its times like these, time and time again." -Foo Fighters, Times Like These
"I kept the right ones out and let the wrong ones in.
Had an Angel of mercy to see me through all my sins.
There were times in my life when I was going insane. Trying to walk through the pain.
When I lost my grip and I hit the floor. I thought I could leave, but I couldn't get out at all.
I was so sick and tired of living a lie. I was wishing that I would die.
Its amazing, with a blink of an eye, you finally see the light.
Its amazing, when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright.
Yah, Its amazing, and I'm saying a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight.
That one last shot's a permanent vacation.
And how high can you fly with broken wings?
Life's a journey, not a destination.
And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings.
You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk.
But I just couldn't listen to all that righteous talk. Oh yah.
I was out on the streets, just trying to survive.
Its amazing, with a blink of an eye, you finally see the light.
Its amazing, when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright." Aerosmith - Amazing
"I'm losing all control.
Just let me be, let me be alone for now.
Want to be alone tonight.
Once again [I] got off track and lost all hope for coming back.
I'm time to restart again and try all over again." -Rooney, Losing All Control
"I, I'm a new day rising, I'm a brand new sky to hang the stars upon tonight.
I, I'm a little divided. Do I stay or run away? Leave it all behind...
Its times like these you learn you live again.
Its times like these you give and give again.
Its times like these you learn to love again.
Its times like these, time and time again." -Foo Fighters, Times Like These
"I kept the right ones out and let the wrong ones in.
Had an Angel of mercy to see me through all my sins.
There were times in my life when I was going insane. Trying to walk through the pain.
When I lost my grip and I hit the floor. I thought I could leave, but I couldn't get out at all.
I was so sick and tired of living a lie. I was wishing that I would die.
Its amazing, with a blink of an eye, you finally see the light.
Its amazing, when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright.
Yah, Its amazing, and I'm saying a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight.
That one last shot's a permanent vacation.
And how high can you fly with broken wings?
Life's a journey, not a destination.
And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings.
You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk.
But I just couldn't listen to all that righteous talk. Oh yah.
I was out on the streets, just trying to survive.
Its amazing, with a blink of an eye, you finally see the light.
Its amazing, when the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright." Aerosmith - Amazing
Thursday, October 23, 2003
The highs are supposed to be up to 104 degrees or so this weekend. We're going to be baking here... roasting.
Today was the first day of managerial accounting. Fast paced yet very straight forward. I think I'll enjoy the class. Anyhow, I am going to go read and then take the evening off.... YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I'm going to be so selfish and just think about ME tonight.
From Dido - Whiteflag
"I know you think I shouldn't still love you...
Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be
And when we meet
As I'm sure we will
All that was then
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on"
Today was the first day of managerial accounting. Fast paced yet very straight forward. I think I'll enjoy the class. Anyhow, I am going to go read and then take the evening off.... YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I'm going to be so selfish and just think about ME tonight.
From Dido - Whiteflag
"I know you think I shouldn't still love you...
Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be
And when we meet
As I'm sure we will
All that was then
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on"
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Today was damn hot, I think San Diego inlands (where I am) had a high of 96 degrees. At school I probably got a sun burn. I was wearing sunglasses and my eyes still felt like they were melting. At home, my room was like an oven and I was like a pie.. baking my buns. I think I might actually be mildly burnt because my body is holding heat very well.
Warm not hot. -Remember that sign you made for me Cynthia?? haha!
Warm not hot. -Remember that sign you made for me Cynthia?? haha!
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Right now I'm deciding on whether i should take a nap or do some homework. I know, I should just read a little then I'll naturally fall asleep and take a nap. haha Well, no, no naps today. I'll just get some quality sleep tonight.
MCAS Miramar are still showing off their skills today. I enjoy seeing them fly above my house.
Last night's SNL paled in comparison to last week. Halle Berry is not funny and Britney S. looks chunkier than usual. And this is coming from a person who usually finds Brit entertaining. Today I went with Kevin to take the advanced 75 minute spinning class, it was pretty challenging. I wish they would invest in more comfortable saddles. Wednesday Cardio-Kickbox is still my favorite.
MCAS Miramar are still showing off their skills today. I enjoy seeing them fly above my house.
Last night's SNL paled in comparison to last week. Halle Berry is not funny and Britney S. looks chunkier than usual. And this is coming from a person who usually finds Brit entertaining. Today I went with Kevin to take the advanced 75 minute spinning class, it was pretty challenging. I wish they would invest in more comfortable saddles. Wednesday Cardio-Kickbox is still my favorite.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
Because we are right next to Miramar, a huge plus about living in Scripps Ranch is that every year we can see the Blue Angels tumbling, soring, flying above our our house this time of year when the MCAS exhibition flies. I get goosebumps watching those aircraft fly so close to each other, practically on top of each other, at those speeds performing those tricks. It is really quite awesome. The temperature today was something in the 90s... I'm really warm and I just took a cold shower.... I'll take heat over having to wear a jacket any day though. San Diego has perfect weather.
Today I woke up with a really sore mouth, that would be because my tongue is burnt. I didn't really notice it until today. Anyhow, today I am going to my spinning class, get some more cardio done and them work on my abs. Come home, get some work done and then find plans for the evening. We'll see.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Down went the Red Sox. I was really gunning for them too... anyone except the Yankees. No one outside New York wants the Yankees to win AGAIN. BLAH~
The grocery store strike is still going on. What is wrong with those people? Now apparently they are getting distributors to strike too.. They're just being nasty. Its really selfish if you ask me.
The grocery store strike is still going on. What is wrong with those people? Now apparently they are getting distributors to strike too.. They're just being nasty. Its really selfish if you ask me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Well today I plan to get a lot done. Make decent progress on my assignments, go to class (of course), cardiokickboxing, and then its Personal Training in the evening. If you didn't already know, next week is my last week of "first half semester classes" and my first week of new "second half semester classes." These classes are super accelerated. I have to tape Smallville again tonight.
gymba24: that barry manalo shoe thing is frustrating
gymba24: impossible to win some shoes
badtz5II: ohhh
badtz5II: yah i know
badtz5II: hah u said barry manilow
gymba24: oppps
gymba24: hahahaha
gymba24: manolo blahniks
gymba24: i meant
gymba24: that barry manalo shoe thing is frustrating
gymba24: impossible to win some shoes
badtz5II: ohhh
badtz5II: yah i know
badtz5II: hah u said barry manilow
gymba24: oppps
gymba24: hahahaha
gymba24: manolo blahniks
gymba24: i meant
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Making the best of a bad situation. So this morning I wake up at the usual time 6:30am, this is with about 3 and a half hours of sleep. I eat breakfast and make my way to SDSU. While I'm driving I specifically note to myself how fortunate I am to be driving South on I15 because North (the way back home) is backed up bumped to bumper with no visible signs of movement. A horrific traffic nightmare. Just as I am pulling the U turn at Montezuma, right at the parking structure, I look at my dashboard while an image of my parking permit sitting on the coffee table and me thinking to myself "don't forget it," hits me. "DAMN IT" That is a 25 minute commute with no traffic. So I start driving home knowing full well I will hit traffic plus knowing I will not be able to find a parking space (arrive after 8am and you can forget about parking), AND on top of that it throws my complete workout schedule off. Rage and anger boil inside of me... Then I remember that I can just purchase hourly parking. Thats right Ang, just pay 9 bucks instead of driving your ass all the way back to Scripps. Not knowing the area well, I make a mysterious turn...get myself a little lost but in the end found my way back to campus just in time to catch a parking space. I buy the permit, go do some weights, make it to classes, go back to the gym for my weights after.. then head home. Now, I was able to get some cardio in after lunch due to the fact that we have a precor in our house... I made things work out.
Sunday, October 12, 2003
I just woke up from a deep deep nap. I love those. The ones where you're aware of your own heartbeat the entire time.
Today I got to witness the lockout and picket lines at Ralphs, Albertsons and Vons. Don't those union workers realize health care costs have gone up overall? Our economy is just shitty right now. Anyway, today at the Ralphs entrance there were union workers screaming at us not to go inside, and to instead support their cause for 1 day. They told us to either go to Stater Brothers or come back another day. We went inside anyway. In fact one of them even lied to us and said, "today they aren't doubling coupons." That is kind of sad and pointless.
Well the Chargers couldn't lose today... BECAUSE they have a BYE week. Crikey, they are 0 and 5 this season. How embarassing. Guess Junior Seau can laugh all the way over in Miami where they are 4 and 1. I think San Diego better start thinking about draft picks. Now I can feel comfort in the fact that I didn't buy any chargers tickets this season. And what about how they want to completely revamp Qualcomm stadium?? Though their proposal looks pretty awesome and the Aztecs of SDSU play there too, please don't be like the Padres and get a new stadium then turn into a really crappy team... oh wait.. they can't they ALREADY SUCK.
Today I got to witness the lockout and picket lines at Ralphs, Albertsons and Vons. Don't those union workers realize health care costs have gone up overall? Our economy is just shitty right now. Anyway, today at the Ralphs entrance there were union workers screaming at us not to go inside, and to instead support their cause for 1 day. They told us to either go to Stater Brothers or come back another day. We went inside anyway. In fact one of them even lied to us and said, "today they aren't doubling coupons." That is kind of sad and pointless.
Well the Chargers couldn't lose today... BECAUSE they have a BYE week. Crikey, they are 0 and 5 this season. How embarassing. Guess Junior Seau can laugh all the way over in Miami where they are 4 and 1. I think San Diego better start thinking about draft picks. Now I can feel comfort in the fact that I didn't buy any chargers tickets this season. And what about how they want to completely revamp Qualcomm stadium?? Though their proposal looks pretty awesome and the Aztecs of SDSU play there too, please don't be like the Padres and get a new stadium then turn into a really crappy team... oh wait.. they can't they ALREADY SUCK.
Friday, October 10, 2003
I just got back from the Quentin Tarantino movie Kill Bill which just opened tonight. Its violent yet amusing. When I was watching the previews I thought of someone. We used to squeeze each other's hand if we thought the movie in the preview looked interesting and we wanted to watch. And if we thought the preview was lame we'd we're brush each other's hand. Well here's my train of thought, QT and Micheal Madsen were both in Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs and my friend used to have a Reservoir Dogs poster in his room. Also, I saw my fair share of lame previews tonight that we could have laughed about together. Even though we have semi-opposite taste in movies, there were quite a few we agreed on. For me, The Alamo looked pretty boring, but I'm thinking since it was a war movie he might actually want to see that one. Take care, you know who you are.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Taking care of a house all by myself is still so new.
"live alone, die alone" -from today's episode of CSI
"live alone, die alone" -from today's episode of CSI
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Today I took care of some more house work, went to cardiokickbox and some other stuff. I had to tape the all new episode of Smallville but I just finished watching the tape, so I got my weekly fix of Superman. I like the song they played at the end of the episode, Dido - White Flag. Clark and Lana's courtship was sure short lived? Couldn't it have lasted half a season at least? Come on now...
from -Dashboard Confessional - Bend and Not Break
"Talented with reason, I cover all the angles. I can fail before I ever try ... I am feeling agile, I can bend and not break, or I can break and take it with a smile. And I am so resilient. I recover quickly."
from -Dashboard Confessional - Bend and Not Break
"Talented with reason, I cover all the angles. I can fail before I ever try ... I am feeling agile, I can bend and not break, or I can break and take it with a smile. And I am so resilient. I recover quickly."
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
the ridiculous.
i dropped my mom off today at the airport on my way to school. i'm feeling kind of down right now, the house is quiet. this afternoon i thoroughly cleaned my car inside out... vacuum.. and all. its still parked outside and i should really drive it back into the garage.
i dropped my mom off today at the airport on my way to school. i'm feeling kind of down right now, the house is quiet. this afternoon i thoroughly cleaned my car inside out... vacuum.. and all. its still parked outside and i should really drive it back into the garage.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Today I skipped out on my Graduate Board meeting. I don't know if I'll even go back to another one of those meetings.
from -Dashboard Confessional, Ghost of A Good Thing
"Maybe its love but its like your said. Love is like a role that we play. But I believe in you so much, I could die for the words that you say. ... Just bend the pieces til they fit. Like they were meant for it. But they weren't meant for this. Chasing the ghost of a good thing. Haunting yourself as the real thing. Its getting away from you."
from -Dashboard Confessional, Ghost of A Good Thing
"Maybe its love but its like your said. Love is like a role that we play. But I believe in you so much, I could die for the words that you say. ... Just bend the pieces til they fit. Like they were meant for it. But they weren't meant for this. Chasing the ghost of a good thing. Haunting yourself as the real thing. Its getting away from you."
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Today I went on another one of my shopping sprees. I am very pleased with my purchases, though I need to go through my stuff to make space for new things! I got a bunch of Puma gear.... a bunch!!!!
Friday, October 03, 2003
I'm going to use this morning to catch up on my blogs, reading other's as well as posting my own. On Thursday I had an extra credit presentation for my Operations Mangement class, only 5 people opted to do the extra credit and furthermore present the material to the class. It went very well and I enjoyed it. Last night I also finally had some time to myself so I watched the Smallville season premiere! Why does it have to be "To be continued..."?
I got paid yesterday too, so I'm really tempted to go shopping this weekend...
This morning I am going to try to get as much work done as possible before I go to the ARC to workout so I can relax a bit tomorrow.
Verse from -Dashboard Confessional, The Standard Lines
"But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upons yours and I starve, I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid, and dulling to the senses and its crude, but it will do."
I got paid yesterday too, so I'm really tempted to go shopping this weekend...
This morning I am going to try to get as much work done as possible before I go to the ARC to workout so I can relax a bit tomorrow.
Verse from -Dashboard Confessional, The Standard Lines
"But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upons yours and I starve, I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid, and dulling to the senses and its crude, but it will do."
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Frustrated and tired. It has been a bad day. I need to sleep it off, end it.
Happy 21st birthday Chris.
Happy 21st birthday Chris.