Saturday, August 30, 2003
I found out last night that Dashboard Confessional is coming to play at our campus at the end of September, 20 dollars a ticket. I'm sure only crappy seats are left because seats have been on sale since July or so.
Dashboard Confessional - Standard Lines
"Which of the bold faced lies will we use?
I hope that you're happy, you really deserve it,
This will be the best for us both -in the end.
But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours and I starve,
-I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid
And dulling to the senses,
And it's crude -but it will do.
Which of the standard lines will we use?
I've been meaning to call you. I've just been so busy.
We'll catch up soon.
Let's make it a point to.
But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours and I starve,
-I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid
And dulling to the senses,
And it's crude -but it will do.
But it will do.
I hope it will do."
I'm still debating whether or not I am going to go to the tailgate for the Aztec vs. Eastern Washington Eagles. I should...
Dashboard Confessional - Standard Lines
"Which of the bold faced lies will we use?
I hope that you're happy, you really deserve it,
This will be the best for us both -in the end.
But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours and I starve,
-I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid
And dulling to the senses,
And it's crude -but it will do.
Which of the standard lines will we use?
I've been meaning to call you. I've just been so busy.
We'll catch up soon.
Let's make it a point to.
But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours and I starve,
-I starve for you.
But this new diet's liquid
And dulling to the senses,
And it's crude -but it will do.
But it will do.
I hope it will do."
I'm still debating whether or not I am going to go to the tailgate for the Aztec vs. Eastern Washington Eagles. I should...
Friday, August 29, 2003
It is only 9:30pm and I am exhausted. Today I went to campus after lunch to try and catch my advisors. I finally reached someone important at 3:30pm, half an hour before the offices were closing and was able to accomplish what I needed to be ready for next week. The campus was packed with students and classes have not even started yet. The bookstore was much too crowded for me to even consider purchasing the outrageously priced textbooks. I am seriously going to have to spend more money on books than tuition! For just one class it is going to be over 500 dollars. I can't believe it. I'm going to see if they have the books in HK for cheaper.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Song: Baby Bash - Suga Suga
Well, I'm on my way to the ARC to workout. I really feel the need to bust my ass right now because I feel fat today. I don't like these days. I needed to talk to my girl Cyn to calm me down. She keeps me sane when I go crazy or start being unreasonable. I still feel busting my ass at the gym but at least I'm not tripping out. i don't know what I would do without her. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood tonight after I do my thang. Another highlight of today. I'm going to be doing some part time personal training. Yay.. getting paid for going to the gym! Well, the downside is I can't workout at the same time. Working out is a selfish act, its all about me when I go, I usually concentrate on myself and block the world out.
Well, I'm on my way to the ARC to workout. I really feel the need to bust my ass right now because I feel fat today. I don't like these days. I needed to talk to my girl Cyn to calm me down. She keeps me sane when I go crazy or start being unreasonable. I still feel busting my ass at the gym but at least I'm not tripping out. i don't know what I would do without her. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood tonight after I do my thang. Another highlight of today. I'm going to be doing some part time personal training. Yay.. getting paid for going to the gym! Well, the downside is I can't workout at the same time. Working out is a selfish act, its all about me when I go, I usually concentrate on myself and block the world out.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
This day has finally come, its time for me to go to orientation and meet the rest of the new MSBA students. Orientation starts at 6pm and goes until 9 something pm I believe. It is because a lot of the graduate students have full time jobs and can only make it after work. I've definitely been getting used to the SDSU campus as it is during the summer, when it has been under construction and relatively uncrowded. I better brace myself for the masses of people that will be spilling all over. The major adjustment I need to make immediately is getting to bed earlier. Because I have long long days ahead of me...
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
You know what I realized today, the little Verizon kiosk at Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego, is doing something totally shadey and has got to be illegal. This is not to be confused with the actual Verizon store at the mall, but the little stall. To make a fairly long story short, when I went back to the Verizon store in Carmel Mountain for the third time, we walked in there and saw a huge line. Why is there always a huge line at the Verizon store??? So we didn't want to wait an hour for the 3rd time, so this time walked in there and asked for the manager, who was busy (for good reason/seemed very crowded) took her sweet time to get her huge ass out to see me. Anyway, by the time the pudged woman came out she gave me attitude like I shouldn't have called her out. Whatever! As if I'm going to wait in the snail paced Customer Service line AGAIN! She pawned one of her peon workers onto me. Who, might I add, had the worst case of halitosis to match his rotton mood. He gave me major attitude too. Newsflash, I am the customer and you have screwed me twice already, ever heard of customer service? I'm not too impressed with the people from Carmel Mnt. Verizon store. To top it all off, they tell me the charger is broken and that is it not an original keyocera charger. It is something they call "after market." Okay, the only problem is, this was the charger that came in the box with my phone from the Fashion Valley Kiosk. So the store charges me 29.99 for a new charger. Isn't that so nice of them? To make matters worse, I see the guy who signed me up at the Kiosk now working at the store. I believe his name is Greg. He's the one who gave me the knockoff charger and a crappy original phone a year ago that gave me problems, plus gave me the wrong phone number and wrong phone... that is a whole other story on its own. Anyway, my best guess is that at the kiosks (which btw are not Verizon operated), they are stealing the real chargers from the boxes and replacing them with fakey cheap ones. Something smells rotton in the state of California.
As for my trip to Las Vegas, I am giving details over a course of time because it would just take too much time to explain all at once.

Me and Cynthia last week in Las Vegas at Club Risque at the Paris hotel. I was on my way to getting very tipsy....

Apparently I had fun playing with the products in the bathroom of the club...
Well, it is about time I hit the gym now. I'm happy because my triceps are sore from yesterday.
As for my trip to Las Vegas, I am giving details over a course of time because it would just take too much time to explain all at once.
Me and Cynthia last week in Las Vegas at Club Risque at the Paris hotel. I was on my way to getting very tipsy....
Apparently I had fun playing with the products in the bathroom of the club...
Well, it is about time I hit the gym now. I'm happy because my triceps are sore from yesterday.
Monday, August 25, 2003
Verizon: Good wireless service coverage, in other words, you pretty much get service anywhere you are. The big downfall is their crappy phones. I have a hideous keyocera phone that stopped working properly at the beginning of this month. For some reason it won't charge anymore. So, yesterday I finally decide, "enough of this bull," and go into the store, they say since I don't have insurance there is nothing they can do. They also told me that I can't add insurance mid contract. So I come back home, call the people at Verizon (btw their phone customer service is excellent), talk to them and they add insurance on for me and tell me I can go back to the store. I have just come back from the store for the second time with my replacement phone and wtf... it's worse! This phone doesn't even get service and to top that off, this one doesn't charge either. So I have to waste more time going back to the stupid store AGAIN!!!! ARGH! HOW annoying!!!!! I am very pissed off to say the least. WHAT AN EXTREME WASTE OF MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Random thought: "is it just me or..." Have you ever forgiven someone because they were really pathetic and begging for your forgiveness and you just feel so bad for them? Then a couple days later completely remember why you were so pissed at that person and regret forgiving their sorry ass? Yah. I think a part of me battles between whether or not I am a vindictive or magnanimous person. The very fact that we even battle between the two just go to show that there is a natural inclination to one, yet we all feel an undeniable pull towards the other. Life and feelings are complicated like that, they never let you get away with a simple resolution.The line from the muscial Chicago just popped into my head, "he had it coming."
Today I went shopping at UTC. I bought some stuff from Guess and a couple work shirts from Macy's... oh yah and a purse. Actually all of this is from Saturday. Because my stupid insomniac problems are keeping me awake at 4:30am. I think too much while I am "trying" to sleep. It is really quite obnoxious. After my blog entry I'm going to try to salvage what little sleep I might have.
My seemingly eternal summer is coming to an end. I remember how worried, anxious, and afraid I was about finding a job after graduating from the University of California at Davis in June 2002. The thought of moving back into my parents house in San Diego after 4 years of freedom also bothered me. The ecomony was horrible and no one seemed to be hiring. In retrospect it has been great year after Davis, studying for the GMAT, applying to Grad school, going to Kyoto Japan, working in Las Vegas at the CES convention, working in Central Hong Kong, seeing the east coast, getting accepted to grad school etc... I've grown so much these past 14 months that I refuse to look at this year as a waste. Everything happens for a reason and in the end things work out if you trust yourself to make the right decisions.
The end to my "year off" is bittersweet because though I will be giving up the concept of free time, there is something to be said about gaining a hectic and exciting schedule. Time flies seems to slip by when you're busy, and personally I prefer to be swamped with work and have a full plate of activities. Thus, the saying "time flies when you're having fun," is a reflection of that sentiment.
Today I went shopping at UTC. I bought some stuff from Guess and a couple work shirts from Macy's... oh yah and a purse. Actually all of this is from Saturday. Because my stupid insomniac problems are keeping me awake at 4:30am. I think too much while I am "trying" to sleep. It is really quite obnoxious. After my blog entry I'm going to try to salvage what little sleep I might have.
My seemingly eternal summer is coming to an end. I remember how worried, anxious, and afraid I was about finding a job after graduating from the University of California at Davis in June 2002. The thought of moving back into my parents house in San Diego after 4 years of freedom also bothered me. The ecomony was horrible and no one seemed to be hiring. In retrospect it has been great year after Davis, studying for the GMAT, applying to Grad school, going to Kyoto Japan, working in Las Vegas at the CES convention, working in Central Hong Kong, seeing the east coast, getting accepted to grad school etc... I've grown so much these past 14 months that I refuse to look at this year as a waste. Everything happens for a reason and in the end things work out if you trust yourself to make the right decisions.
The end to my "year off" is bittersweet because though I will be giving up the concept of free time, there is something to be said about gaining a hectic and exciting schedule. Time flies seems to slip by when you're busy, and personally I prefer to be swamped with work and have a full plate of activities. Thus, the saying "time flies when you're having fun," is a reflection of that sentiment.
Friday, August 22, 2003
I just found out from Chris (he's looking at Aladdin's website ) that we stayed in the nicest/largest suite at Aladdin, holy shit, its what they call the panorma suite. It is 1255 sq ft! Nice.... hahaha, thats so cool! I really liked our room... it was HUGE!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Its 6pm and I just got up from a deep deep nap. I could seriously go back to sleep with no problem. Probably from the lack of sleep at Vegas. This morning my Dad woke me up and I got a new car battery so my car is working fine now. I'd really like to make my way to the gym soon since it is 24 hours but I'm just so tried.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Dashboard Confessional - The Best Deceptions
"I heard about your trip
I heard about your souvenirs
I heard about the cool breeze and the cool nights
I guess I should have heard of them from you
I guess I should have heard of them from you
Don't you see? Don't you see
That the charade is over?
And all the best deceptions and the clever cover story awards,
Go to you
So kiss me hard, cause this will be the last time that I let you.
You will be back someday,
and this awkard kiss ... will be off service to giving you aaaaaawayyyy.
I heard about your regrets
I heard that you were feeling sorry,
I heard from someone that you wish that you could set things right between us
I guess I should have heard of that from you
I guess I should have heard of that from you
Don't you see? Don't you see
That the charade is over?
And all the best deceptions and the clever cover story awards
Go to you
So kiss me hard, cause this will be the last time that I let you.
You will be back someday,
and this awkard kiss ... will be off service to giving you away, to giving you aaawayyyyyyyyyyy
I'm waiting for blood to flow to my fingers
I'll be alright when my hands get warm
Ignoring the phone
I'd rather say nothing
I'd rather you never heard my voice
You're calling too late
Too late to be gracious,
You do not warrant long goodbyes
You're calling too late
You're calling too late
You're calling too late"
As for my trip, I had an awesome time. I arrived at Aladdin with my family on Sunday afternoon. It turns out that we got a huge suite with a great view, living room, bedroom, powder room, 2 bathrooms, seperate showe and hottub thing, bar, computer with internet, dining table... etc etc etc.. We then met up with Chris' friend Kim and her friend Kat. Cynthia and Priscilla joined us in our room a little later while Kim got us onto the guestlist at Risque at Paris hotel. Since I happened to eat very little at dinner and had bit too much to drink too fast that night...
gymba24: he said everyone was laughing at me
gymba24: how embarrassing
badtz5II: no they weren't
badtz5II: don't worry bout it
badtz5II: i was much worse the nite before
gymba24: i believe you since i saw the pics
gymba24: hehe..
gymba24: like when chris was making fun of me
gymba24: i was getting totally embarrassed
gymba24: but then he said i shouldn't be embarrassed
badtz5II: hhaha
gymba24: cause i was drunk
badtz5II: there are more, believe me
badtz5II: yah exactly
gymba24: he told me that he's never seen me like that before
badtz5II: at least u were throwin up in thebathroom
gymba24: haha
badtz5II: i was throwin up in hte street
badtz5II: in those cups
gymba24: awww poor you
badtz5II: in fake flowers at venetian
gymba24: hehehe
gymba24: dang!
badtz5II: but i dun care cuz i was drunk
badtz5II: haha
gymba24: haha
gymba24: well what about me..
gymba24: i was like convinced i was normal
gymba24: i was like, "chris, i'm fine
gymba24: then i barfed in that cup in his face
gymba24: too bad i didn't get there earlier
badtz5II: eheh thats what we all say
badtz5II: i kept sayin i wouldn't throw up anyore
gymba24: "are you buzzed yet?"
gymba24: omg
gymba24: how many times did i ask that?
badtz5II: haha, but u were soo funny
badtz5II: and cute
gymba24: did you tell them that i'm not usually like that?
gymba24: i mean crazy....
badtz5II: they knew u were drunk, its okee
i have so much more to explain... but i don't have enough patience to type it all out right now..
"well at least u found out the truth about him"
gymba24: its better to find out now before you get trapped in marriage
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Well, my Dad arrives in San Diego this evening. My mom should be on the way to get him tomorrow by the time I get home this evening.. well actually he might be home by the time I get back since I get home quite late! I think we're supposed to go to the driving range as a family plus Kevin before we go to Vegas. Suddenly I feel extremely sick. Right now, seriously I can't think straight because of the pain. Will write more later...
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
There should a law against people with morning breath. This is really disgusting, this girl next to me snorts every 10 seconds, and my sense of smell is really strong today so I hope she leaves soon. However, I don't think my luck will be that high this morning. I think she must be sick. What is it with me and sick people? Yesterday I picked the precor next to some chick who was coughing with a phlegm sound. So nasty. Stay home if you're sick! I can actually feel my annoyance grow with every snort she makes. I think I might have to get up and move to a different computer. Seriously...
That is a little better; I moved to a different computer where there is currently no one sitting directly to my left or directly to my right. However, the man two seats over to my right is incessantly picking his nose, absolutely foul. It seems as though the viscous stale air, visual crap, and audio vomit is engulfing me... Ouch, a really loud alarm thing just went off... its funny how everyone looked up from their computer with a "what the hell look" and sort of looked at each other. Some fobby girl covered her ears -like that is really going to help.
You know what, blogs are so great for venting your frustrations.
Later after lunch: I tried finding a bench in the shade to take a nap. Only problem is, although it is hot as fuck, its also windy as hell outside. So it was rather uncomfortable being blown with tiny particles hitting me. So I took a quasi-nap. So now I'm here again, in the computer lab, ready to go to the gym soon.
That is a little better; I moved to a different computer where there is currently no one sitting directly to my left or directly to my right. However, the man two seats over to my right is incessantly picking his nose, absolutely foul. It seems as though the viscous stale air, visual crap, and audio vomit is engulfing me... Ouch, a really loud alarm thing just went off... its funny how everyone looked up from their computer with a "what the hell look" and sort of looked at each other. Some fobby girl covered her ears -like that is really going to help.
You know what, blogs are so great for venting your frustrations.
Later after lunch: I tried finding a bench in the shade to take a nap. Only problem is, although it is hot as fuck, its also windy as hell outside. So it was rather uncomfortable being blown with tiny particles hitting me. So I took a quasi-nap. So now I'm here again, in the computer lab, ready to go to the gym soon.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Someone near me just sneezed and it smelled something like peanut butter. How disgusting. That's the problem with using public computer labs. Its like the movie theater scene from Outbreak.Some might say that I am just overly paranoid experiencing the SARS scare in HK changes you. (Though I've always been disgusted by 'germs")
Anyhow, yesterday I was at the Aztec gym from 2:30pm to 7:00pm. Don't worry, I took break to eat in between and surf the internet. They have computers with internet access there nd desks for people to sit at. The atmosphere is great. Really relaxing. To get into the gym you need a personalized 5 digit pin then you place you hand into this scanner and wait for the thing to ID you. Interesting hey. I plan on having a super workout week since I can't workout in Vegas really. Unless I want to pay 25 US dollars per day for the gym at Aladdin...
to be continued...
Anyhow, yesterday I was at the Aztec gym from 2:30pm to 7:00pm. Don't worry, I took break to eat in between and surf the internet. They have computers with internet access there nd desks for people to sit at. The atmosphere is great. Really relaxing. To get into the gym you need a personalized 5 digit pin then you place you hand into this scanner and wait for the thing to ID you. Interesting hey. I plan on having a super workout week since I can't workout in Vegas really. Unless I want to pay 25 US dollars per day for the gym at Aladdin...
to be continued...
Monday, August 11, 2003
I am currently sitting in the LOVE Library computer Lab at SDSU. This morning at 9am Kevin dropped me off at the edge of campus. I went straight to the library to attempt for the second time to obtain my student e-mail account from school. The first time I tried was in June when they told me that I would have to wait until I got my ID card and have signed up for classes (all that were done August 6th). I gave the computer lab guy my Student ID card, my SSN and telephone number. He was not able to find me in the database. He made up (and I could tell) some retarded story about how I need to pay the 30% tuition increase first, then I would be able to sign up for my 'free' student e-mail account. I said to him in a stern, increasingly annoyed and skeptical tone, "okay so if I go pay my balance right now I can sign up for my e-mail account right away?" And he said something like , "you might need to wait a day for it to show up. Do you commute?" Whatever. That makes no sense.. however I decided to go line up (in the very long line) and pay for the extra fees owed. (let me add that it is quite lame that SDSU decided to increase fees after everyone already paid). At least I was able to buy my parking permit for Fall when I paid my fees that weren't even due. I asked the woman at the cashiers how quickly it would show in the system that I paid and she said, "immediately, but don't worry, the fees were not even due yet." OKAY.. so the guy really was speaking out of his ass. Anyhow, I return to the computer lab and ask a now different worker sitting at the desk to help me set up my account. He asked me the same questions.. Social Sec, Phone, have you registered. .etc .etc... and to no surprise, I still was unable to obtain an account. By now I was really frustrated and annoyed. So guy #2 tells me, "oh well the guy who updates our system is probably on vacation, try coming back in like a week." I stand there for a while thinking, "how do i verbalize how annoyed I am and get what I want," all the while anger continues to build. He then asks me why I want an e-mail account. Well apart from the obvious reasons (DUH!!!), so that I can log on while I am on campus to use the internet. He then tells me that I can use the internet anyway without logging on.. and it's a good thing too, otherwise I would be really pissed off. I sat in here for about an hour checking e-mail, using AIM express and looking up other various things. The guy who was sitting next to me kept looking at me, staring problems, it was truly irritating me. Now I wonder, when will I try again to get an e-mail account from them?
Anyhow, I left to eat my packed lunch outside and am now back at a different computer waiting to digest a little before I hit the Aztec Recreation Center. I am so completely in awe of how gorgeous the Rec Center is and to be honest a little intimidated by its grandeur. But its only a matter of time before I can call that place a second home. Its a good thing that there are ATM machines of most major west coast banks here too because I was able to transfer money and also pay my credit card during lunch.
Anyhow, I left to eat my packed lunch outside and am now back at a different computer waiting to digest a little before I hit the Aztec Recreation Center. I am so completely in awe of how gorgeous the Rec Center is and to be honest a little intimidated by its grandeur. But its only a matter of time before I can call that place a second home. Its a good thing that there are ATM machines of most major west coast banks here too because I was able to transfer money and also pay my credit card during lunch.
Sunday, August 10, 2003
"The earth turns but we don't feel it move" Gangs of New York
Again I went to bed past 5am and woke up at 11am. Anyhow, today I went shopping at Macy's at North County Fair's, Puma and Ralph Lauren at the Carlsbad Outlets, Target and Wal-Mart at some large shopping center. Bought a lot...
There are just some people in the world that you'll never get along with. Characters conflict too much and the difference in opinion is too much for tolerance to bare. I just try to avoid those people... why waste your time, energy, thoughts, and annoyance on someone so unworthy? You know what really annoys me? Ugly people who are super bitchy 24/7 ... I mean, its bad enough that they hurt your eyes, but do they have to be super mean too? I acknowledge that everyone gets moody and bitchy once in a while.. but those people who are mean all the time.. whats wrong with them? Do they hate life or something?
I'm supposed to start taking golf lessons so I can join everyone else for once. Wow, I'm really spreading myself thin with everything that is going on.
The skin around my right thumb nail is peeling. I've probably been deficient in Vit C lately. I better up the intake of fresh fruits.
Again I went to bed past 5am and woke up at 11am. Anyhow, today I went shopping at Macy's at North County Fair's, Puma and Ralph Lauren at the Carlsbad Outlets, Target and Wal-Mart at some large shopping center. Bought a lot...
There are just some people in the world that you'll never get along with. Characters conflict too much and the difference in opinion is too much for tolerance to bare. I just try to avoid those people... why waste your time, energy, thoughts, and annoyance on someone so unworthy? You know what really annoys me? Ugly people who are super bitchy 24/7 ... I mean, its bad enough that they hurt your eyes, but do they have to be super mean too? I acknowledge that everyone gets moody and bitchy once in a while.. but those people who are mean all the time.. whats wrong with them? Do they hate life or something?
I'm supposed to start taking golf lessons so I can join everyone else for once. Wow, I'm really spreading myself thin with everything that is going on.
The skin around my right thumb nail is peeling. I've probably been deficient in Vit C lately. I better up the intake of fresh fruits.
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Well I so much for taking my car to get an oil change. I was really tired today and didn't wake up until after noon. So basically I shot my chances and my motivation to take my car in. Anyhow, I still went to watch the Padres game against the Reds at Qualcomm stadium. We got pretty sweet seats right under the big screen and score board. And we sat behind the guy from Amazing Race 4, I think its Jeff. Its is such a pity that I didn't pay attention to this season. This is the first time too that i didn't watch... I was so into Amazing Race the first season, especially with Rob and Brenan's win. I spent half an hour trying to call Avi and at least leave a message saying happy birhday. My phone kept dying though so I ended up using my friend's phone to call. I hope he got the message.
Have you ever chatted to someone you really liked online and saved the chat out of the sheer joy of talking to that person? Then avoid reading the chat because you don't want to remember stupid things you don't want to revisit the conversation to over analyze it and then in turn, convert the sweet memory into a nasty after taste. Its always the one you want that can't work.
...Happy Birthday Avi
I picked up my student ID card today, it was misprinted with "Undergraduate," luckily I noticed just as I walked out the door so I turned around and told them it was wrong and the took 1 minute to reprint me a new card correctly printed "Graduate." SDSU is a campus with its unique charm, its definitely growing on me. Today when I went to campus I walked around a bit to explore more, I like what I see. Let me tell you, their gym; ARC Recreation Center is heaven. I'm very happy with the facilities. I'm excited about the group cycling classes.
Well, I'm going to try to take my car in for an oil change tomorrow. Its been long enough, plus i've been driving a lot lately. Geez, I'm going to be spending a lot of money on gas for my car this year. This evening I might make it to a Padres home game at Qualcomm stadium. They're giving away Tony Gwynn Russian Nesting Dolls. Yay! I totally want one. Okay, the sun is half up now...
...Happy Birthday Avi
I picked up my student ID card today, it was misprinted with "Undergraduate," luckily I noticed just as I walked out the door so I turned around and told them it was wrong and the took 1 minute to reprint me a new card correctly printed "Graduate." SDSU is a campus with its unique charm, its definitely growing on me. Today when I went to campus I walked around a bit to explore more, I like what I see. Let me tell you, their gym; ARC Recreation Center is heaven. I'm very happy with the facilities. I'm excited about the group cycling classes.
Well, I'm going to try to take my car in for an oil change tomorrow. Its been long enough, plus i've been driving a lot lately. Geez, I'm going to be spending a lot of money on gas for my car this year. This evening I might make it to a Padres home game at Qualcomm stadium. They're giving away Tony Gwynn Russian Nesting Dolls. Yay! I totally want one. Okay, the sun is half up now...
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Today I sign up for my classes and got all my first choices. I then went to work from 4:30pm to 10:00pm. Went to Vons, got groceries and went home and had a very late dinner. Maybe my terrible stomachache was from hunger. Anyhow, a little before I finished digesting I worked out. It is now 3:30am and I plan to wake up in less than 6 hours to prepare my breakfast and a lunch to take with me to work. So much to do, so little time. I'm glad I'm making money & work is actually entertaining. Time flies by amazingly fast when I'm there.
Dashboard Confessional is going to be on Letterman the evening of August 7th. Watch! Their new release of "Hands Down" is powerfully vocal. I want their new CD coming out August 12th. I love Chris [aka Dashboard], so many great songs.
Dashboard Confessional is going to be on Letterman the evening of August 7th. Watch! Their new release of "Hands Down" is powerfully vocal. I want their new CD coming out August 12th. I love Chris [aka Dashboard], so many great songs.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Tired... I'm still being robbed of sleep. This afternoon I am going into work, data entry. Hey, its 15 bucks an hour, I'll take it. I'm going to try to get some laundry & cleaning in before I leave.
When Chris went to the gym he saw Micheal Jordan in Santa Barbara, apparently MJ is there every summer for flight camp.
All-American Rejects - This Last Song
"Can you hear my smiling when I sing this song for you and only you. As I leave will you be someone to say goodbye? As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye? Foot is out the door, you can't stop me now. You wanted the best, it wasn't me, you gave it this what you want is this what you need? As I go, remember all the simple things you know...I still hope that you will miss me when I'm gone. This is the last song...the time rolls on, seems so surreal. now i'm singing. somehow i knew that it would be this way, somehow I knew that it would slowly fade. Now I am gone, just try and stop me now. Wanted the best, it wasn't me, you give it back"
When Chris went to the gym he saw Micheal Jordan in Santa Barbara, apparently MJ is there every summer for flight camp.
All-American Rejects - This Last Song
"Can you hear my smiling when I sing this song for you and only you. As I leave will you be someone to say goodbye? As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye? Foot is out the door, you can't stop me now. You wanted the best, it wasn't me, you gave it this what you want is this what you need? As I go, remember all the simple things you know...I still hope that you will miss me when I'm gone. This is the last song...the time rolls on, seems so surreal. now i'm singing. somehow i knew that it would be this way, somehow I knew that it would slowly fade. Now I am gone, just try and stop me now. Wanted the best, it wasn't me, you give it back"
Monday, August 04, 2003
I just remembered that I am supposed to pick up Kevin from the airport this evening. Well, that throws my schedule off a little. I guess I'll tape my Monday prime time line up and watch it another time. 1 and a half more days until I get to sign up for my classes and I am an "official student" at SDSU.
We're staying at Aladdin hotel and casino in Vegas this August. So far in Vegas I've personally stayed at Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand, Caesars Palace, Excalibur (multiple times), Flamingo, Tropicana (multiple times), Circus Circus.. I know I am forgetting some of the hotels. Anyway, thus far, Mandalay Bay has been then best experience. In terms of my luck with money, MGM Grand, Paris and Tropicana have brought me the most money. This time I'm looking for a good time at the clubs. yah yah...
Details of the nearly robbed incident, July 28th 2003:
I wake up at 9:30am and realize that they are only serving breakfast for 30 more minutes. Knowing how important it is to fuel the body I wake Kevin up by being extremely loud and telling him we need to get food. Mind you we went to bed about 3:30 to 4:00am. (I've been told that I'm the most gung ho travel friend) So we arrive at the hotel's full breakfast buffet with salmon, cheese, bagels, pastries, fresh fruit, pancakes, yogurt, assorted cereals, muffins, etc etc... here I am, going back for seconds.. thirds... completely stuffing myself. We return back to the room and on the way up we pass the Regency Club (we got the special regency club rooms at the Hyatt in Grand Central) I walk inside to see another buffet of food. My stomach tells me I'm full but my mind tells me, "hey why not." So what do I go and do? Grab more of course. Kevin can't understand how I eat so much, such a little person. We decide to split up, he then decides to explore downtown for the rest of the morning and I decide to workout at the hotel gym. Our tentative plan was to meet up at 2:30pm and walk to Times Square and try to get discount broadway tickets.
The gym at Grand Hyatt New York is pretty decent, 8 flat screen TVs, sterilized head phones, some weight machines, 3 Life fitness Ellipticals, a few treadmills and a few bikes. They could use a little help on their free weight selection. So I'm enjoying myself, in fact I am a little disappointed when it is 2:25pm, time to go back down and take a shower. I swipe my card into the elevator (necessary to access the Regency Club floor) and when I get to my room the door is not opening. I try several more times only to get 3 lights flashing. Okay, what is going on here???? The maids come over and say our room door is broken, "we can't get in to clean your room, we've tried all out keys." So we get the concierge at the Regency to call security. Security comes up and his key won't work either. So then the hotel has to call the lock smith. By this point I go back to the workout room and tell Kevin to call my cell phone if anything happens. Afterall I can't go out in my workout clothes, in the mean time they give a new room. 3 hours later, about 4pm, they finally open our old room and we're able to get our belongings out. At this point we're both in a pissed off mood, no show tickets & half the day wasted. Conceirge offers to help us get tickets but they can only offer full price 150 a piece for Caberet. NO THANKS. So Kevin goes downstairs to complain about what happened to us, we ended up getting the 1 night free, thats about 240 dollars.. hey, thats something. So we use the money to reserve a seat on World Yacht dinner cruise for about 80 bucks a person. Its a 4 course, jacket dinner with a dance floor and music. So Kevin puts on his Polo Champs pinstripe suit and I put on new dress. The dinner cruise had so so food (I've had better, been on royal caribbean -though i shouldn't be comparing), a gorgeous view on the Hudson; Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Financial District, Jersey City etc etc..
After the cruise we were dropped back at 38th street. We decide to walk back to Times Square walk around more since its really lively at night until about 1am. The Hyatt is definitely the prefect location, just above Grand Central Station, same street as Times Square and close enough to Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Bldg. Anyhow, on the way back to the hotel we pass a convenient store, not wanting to end the night I try to prolong the evening by stepping into the first place I see open, a 99 cent convenient store. We laugh & make fun of the corny touristy gag gift things we see. We both happen to find two shot glasses that we liked. So we proceed to the register, remember we're wearing nice clothes, when a man with scraggly hair and a plastic bag walks in. We look at each other, he flips his shirt up to expose a gun. His shirt then hides the gun but he's flashing gun signs with his hand. It doesn't quite hit me what is going on until I hear him say to the man at the register, "put the money in the bag." At this point, since we're standing fairly close to the exit, I hear Kevin say "lets go." So I bolt, I'm completely out of there, fight and flight mode when I realize Kevin has stopped, turned around to return to place to jot the address down so he can call the cops.. "What are you doing? Lets get the h-ll out of here man," I continue to run and yell at home, "At least wait until we're safe!!" Good thing I wore heels that I am comfortable running in. 2 blocks later we look down at our hands and see we're still holding the shot glasses. "We're thieves too!!" Finally safe, we burst out in laughter and ponder what would have happened to us if we were in the process of paying with our wallets out. Yes, I still like New York, all that matters is that I am fine now. Lesson, don't walk into shady stores at the crack of dawn
We're staying at Aladdin hotel and casino in Vegas this August. So far in Vegas I've personally stayed at Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand, Caesars Palace, Excalibur (multiple times), Flamingo, Tropicana (multiple times), Circus Circus.. I know I am forgetting some of the hotels. Anyway, thus far, Mandalay Bay has been then best experience. In terms of my luck with money, MGM Grand, Paris and Tropicana have brought me the most money. This time I'm looking for a good time at the clubs. yah yah...
Details of the nearly robbed incident, July 28th 2003:
I wake up at 9:30am and realize that they are only serving breakfast for 30 more minutes. Knowing how important it is to fuel the body I wake Kevin up by being extremely loud and telling him we need to get food. Mind you we went to bed about 3:30 to 4:00am. (I've been told that I'm the most gung ho travel friend) So we arrive at the hotel's full breakfast buffet with salmon, cheese, bagels, pastries, fresh fruit, pancakes, yogurt, assorted cereals, muffins, etc etc... here I am, going back for seconds.. thirds... completely stuffing myself. We return back to the room and on the way up we pass the Regency Club (we got the special regency club rooms at the Hyatt in Grand Central) I walk inside to see another buffet of food. My stomach tells me I'm full but my mind tells me, "hey why not." So what do I go and do? Grab more of course. Kevin can't understand how I eat so much, such a little person. We decide to split up, he then decides to explore downtown for the rest of the morning and I decide to workout at the hotel gym. Our tentative plan was to meet up at 2:30pm and walk to Times Square and try to get discount broadway tickets.
The gym at Grand Hyatt New York is pretty decent, 8 flat screen TVs, sterilized head phones, some weight machines, 3 Life fitness Ellipticals, a few treadmills and a few bikes. They could use a little help on their free weight selection. So I'm enjoying myself, in fact I am a little disappointed when it is 2:25pm, time to go back down and take a shower. I swipe my card into the elevator (necessary to access the Regency Club floor) and when I get to my room the door is not opening. I try several more times only to get 3 lights flashing. Okay, what is going on here???? The maids come over and say our room door is broken, "we can't get in to clean your room, we've tried all out keys." So we get the concierge at the Regency to call security. Security comes up and his key won't work either. So then the hotel has to call the lock smith. By this point I go back to the workout room and tell Kevin to call my cell phone if anything happens. Afterall I can't go out in my workout clothes, in the mean time they give a new room. 3 hours later, about 4pm, they finally open our old room and we're able to get our belongings out. At this point we're both in a pissed off mood, no show tickets & half the day wasted. Conceirge offers to help us get tickets but they can only offer full price 150 a piece for Caberet. NO THANKS. So Kevin goes downstairs to complain about what happened to us, we ended up getting the 1 night free, thats about 240 dollars.. hey, thats something. So we use the money to reserve a seat on World Yacht dinner cruise for about 80 bucks a person. Its a 4 course, jacket dinner with a dance floor and music. So Kevin puts on his Polo Champs pinstripe suit and I put on new dress. The dinner cruise had so so food (I've had better, been on royal caribbean -though i shouldn't be comparing), a gorgeous view on the Hudson; Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Financial District, Jersey City etc etc..
After the cruise we were dropped back at 38th street. We decide to walk back to Times Square walk around more since its really lively at night until about 1am. The Hyatt is definitely the prefect location, just above Grand Central Station, same street as Times Square and close enough to Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Bldg. Anyhow, on the way back to the hotel we pass a convenient store, not wanting to end the night I try to prolong the evening by stepping into the first place I see open, a 99 cent convenient store. We laugh & make fun of the corny touristy gag gift things we see. We both happen to find two shot glasses that we liked. So we proceed to the register, remember we're wearing nice clothes, when a man with scraggly hair and a plastic bag walks in. We look at each other, he flips his shirt up to expose a gun. His shirt then hides the gun but he's flashing gun signs with his hand. It doesn't quite hit me what is going on until I hear him say to the man at the register, "put the money in the bag." At this point, since we're standing fairly close to the exit, I hear Kevin say "lets go." So I bolt, I'm completely out of there, fight and flight mode when I realize Kevin has stopped, turned around to return to place to jot the address down so he can call the cops.. "What are you doing? Lets get the h-ll out of here man," I continue to run and yell at home, "At least wait until we're safe!!" Good thing I wore heels that I am comfortable running in. 2 blocks later we look down at our hands and see we're still holding the shot glasses. "We're thieves too!!" Finally safe, we burst out in laughter and ponder what would have happened to us if we were in the process of paying with our wallets out. Yes, I still like New York, all that matters is that I am fine now. Lesson, don't walk into shady stores at the crack of dawn
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Song: Roscoe - Smoothe Sailin
I just found out Friday that Gary and his crew, Cynthia and her crew are going to in Las Vegas the same time I'm going there. Tight. August 17th to 20th. If anyone else is going to be there at the same time, call the celly. We can meet up yo.
Yesterday I went to Del Mar and watched the first 5 races. We got our free Seabuscuit mugs. I also went to Target and got my back to school shopping done. Since Thursday I've been doing a half assed workout each day (thats 3 whole days!!). Yes, very shocking, I know. I'm getting bored of the precor, I guess that happens when you own one. Without cardio I've been a bit lax on the weights and strength in the last 3 days. In addition I've lost weight, probably muscle mass which is not a good thing. 3 voluntary days of rest.. WOW. Anyway, Today I'm going to whip myself into shape, in fact I will go as soon as I finish this blog. I need to get back into the whole routine before I go to Las Vegas and before the new school year starts. I'm sure using a full gym [reiterate 76,000 sq ft of glory] will spice things up a bit.
Coldplay - The Scientist
"come up to meet you,
tell you I'm sorry,
you don't know how lovely you are.
i had to find you,
tell you i need you,
tell you I set you apart,
tell me your secrets,
ask me your questions,
oh lets go back to the start,
running in circles,
coming to tails
its all a science apart
its such a shame for us to part,
no body said it was easy,
no one ever said it would be this hard,
oh take my back to the start.
i was just guessing,
on numbers and figures,
pulling the puzzles apart,
questions of science,
science and progress,
running in the circles,
chasing tails
coming back as we are
nobody said it was easy,
oh its such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy,
noone ever said it would be so hard,
i'm going back to the start"
I just found out Friday that Gary and his crew, Cynthia and her crew are going to in Las Vegas the same time I'm going there. Tight. August 17th to 20th. If anyone else is going to be there at the same time, call the celly. We can meet up yo.
Yesterday I went to Del Mar and watched the first 5 races. We got our free Seabuscuit mugs. I also went to Target and got my back to school shopping done. Since Thursday I've been doing a half assed workout each day (thats 3 whole days!!). Yes, very shocking, I know. I'm getting bored of the precor, I guess that happens when you own one. Without cardio I've been a bit lax on the weights and strength in the last 3 days. In addition I've lost weight, probably muscle mass which is not a good thing. 3 voluntary days of rest.. WOW. Anyway, Today I'm going to whip myself into shape, in fact I will go as soon as I finish this blog. I need to get back into the whole routine before I go to Las Vegas and before the new school year starts. I'm sure using a full gym [reiterate 76,000 sq ft of glory] will spice things up a bit.
Coldplay - The Scientist
"come up to meet you,
tell you I'm sorry,
you don't know how lovely you are.
i had to find you,
tell you i need you,
tell you I set you apart,
tell me your secrets,
ask me your questions,
oh lets go back to the start,
running in circles,
coming to tails
its all a science apart
its such a shame for us to part,
no body said it was easy,
no one ever said it would be this hard,
oh take my back to the start.
i was just guessing,
on numbers and figures,
pulling the puzzles apart,
questions of science,
science and progress,
running in the circles,
chasing tails
coming back as we are
nobody said it was easy,
oh its such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy,
noone ever said it would be so hard,
i'm going back to the start"
Friday, August 01, 2003
I just wrote an extremely long and detailed blog about my trip to the East coast and it somehow got deleted. I am positive I saved it... I am feeling extremely discouraged about what just happened. So unfortunately I have no motivation to retype everything. At least not at the moment. I am really pissed off at my futile efforts.