
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Seems like I only have time to post once a month now! I'm home, sick with the flu and an infection. My Dad left for Hong Kong yesterday and my Mom is leaving Wednesday. Here is a quickie recap of the fun things I've done since my last blog.

Weekend of May 15th: Chris and Kristen visit San Diego. Blaine and I take them to Old Town for Mexican food.

May 17th: The start of my jury duty services, which in the end wasn't that bad. It was actually quite interesting.

May 19th: The first day of work at Shoplite in Carmel Valley.

May 28th: Parents come to San Diego and meet Blaine for the first time!

June 6th: Blaine takes me to the Dashboard Confessional Concert. Also our 4th month anniversary of the Cannibal Bar.

June 12th: The whole gang; Dorothy, Timothy, Aunty Cynthia, Uncle Simon, Uncle Lester, Dad, Mom, Blaine and myself go to Santa Barbara for Chris' graduation. Everyone had so much fun!!! Congrats Chris, we're all so proud of you! That was the very first graduation (besides my own at UC Davis) I ever attended and it was so much more entertaining than I expected.

The leak in our front year has also been fixed and we are not getting our front yard completely relandscaped... expensive.

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