
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I've been way too busy lately to blog. Anyway, a summary:

Feb 1st: Superbowl Sunday was a heap of fun. I went to Jeff's Patriotic superbowl party. He definitely knows how to throw one. He had a betting pool going, San Adams keg, helium patriots and panthers balloons, homemade guacamole, new england clam chowder, snacks etc etc.

Fast Forward: This past Wednesday my Dad came to visit me for 2 days. He had a conference in SF and decided to fly down here to see his girl and Ralph. That was really nice. Friday I went with Blaine to USD's bar review. Saturday I took John to the ARC to show him around. Today I went to the driving range with Kitty in the morning (she's getting good), met up with Jeff to hang out after, went to Prof Lund's office to chat and then proctor the IDS 302 section 4 midterm 1 with him and Mustafa. Okay, I am really tired... I need to get my ass to bed because I have a long week still to come.

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