
Friday, May 23, 2003

Again the thought of working out on machines did not appeal to me today. I planned on going to Miramar Lake at 11am. For some reason this morning i was lagging, I felt a little lazy and it was making me really angry with myself. If I had just gone at 11am, I would have the rest of the day to study. Instead I went at 3:30pm. However, I was able to make it up to myself by going 8 miles instead of 5 miles. My reward -> satisfaction! I'll probably still cycle a bit more before I got to bed because its something I like to do in the evenings. We have a recliner stationary bike in the living room. At the lake I sported my brand new red puma visor and new sunglasses. Interesting tidbit from Ravi, the founder of Puma is the brother of the founder of Adidas.

My family is going to be together again in about an hour! My Dad arrived in San Diego this afternoon and Chris is on the road driving as I type. I think he is somewhere in LA. I know we're going to Costco tomorrow. I think we might go out as a family to watch Matrix Reloaded, mind you I have no interest in seeing that movie, but being with my family will make it all worth while.

This morning I thought to myself, "its such a lovely day outside, I don't feel like exercising indoors." So, I remembered that Kevin-SD didn't have work today and called him up. Turns out he was working in the morning but was free in the afternoon. Therefore, he picked me up at 3:30pm and we proceeded to La Jolla Shores, I used Chris' 42" board. Mine you, a person my size and weight should be using a 39" board. Yes, this makes a big difference, however I have managed to master the manuevering skills of handling an oversize board. I love how the lifeguards separate the shore into swimmers territory and surfer's territory. I must say, La Jolla Shores is one of the nicer beaches to bodyboard in San Diego, Mission Bay is just too dirty for me. I caught some pretty tight waves out there, what a rush!!! I got some good use out of my O'neil rashguard too. I am also a few shades darker today. Woo a nice tan!

Amusing moment: purposely rolling off a great wave that I caught because I was about to run Kevin over.

What is love: Having so much fun that I neglected the cold numbing of my hands. By the time we left, my lips were a shade of blue and my hands were feelingless. Needless to say, I soaked in a hot bath when I got home. What a great workout.. nothing beats running in the sand, with powerful waves pushing you combined with the stroking motion of your arms when you're paddling -full body workout. I LOVE the beach... a beach with good waves that is.

Memorial Day weekend: This means picnic food will be on sale at the grocery store. That means great fruit! I saw in the Albertson's ad that cantaloupe is only 29 cents a pound this week.

My Dad will be here Friday (May23rd) afternoon and Chris is coming home for the long weekend.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Today I started playing with a free trial version of Photoshop v.7.0. I am learning how to use this neat little program. This morning I went to the library and borrowed nine rather large and heavy books. Looks like I will be busy studying.. Yes, I haven't started school again yet but I look at it this way, knowledge is your power in life. I choose to empower myself with more knowledge. Knowledge is your treasure that no one can steal from you but you can share with others.

For my workout today I decided to go to Miramar Lake, I did a little over 5.5 miles. I went around 2pm when the sun was bright so I came home with a lovely red glow much like when I am newly sunburnt. I don't think I am burnt because I can recognize the sunburnt feeling.

Smallville and GG were so-so today. Not much to comment on those. Except the scene with Lana and Clark -adorable! Okay, I am extremely tired as I didn't sleep much last night and it is already nearly 2am. Actually season finales usually are not the best, they always leave you hanging. I remember this one time I was watching Felicity when someone supposedly got shot at a Christmas party. The finale made it seem like a main character got shot, then the next season we found out it was a stranger who doesn't even die. Talk about anti-climatic. The build up episodes to the finale are always more satisfying.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Once again I have managed to over exert myself. My back, shins and ankles are in pain. I really need to learn to take it easy, I still need those body parts to fuction well for the rest of my life. So who is going to go watch Matrix Reloaded? I must be the only person who is not interested in seeing that movie. I don't have anything against it, I'm simply not interested. Today the Lakers-Spurs game is on ABC which means I can watch it. We have not gotten our cable back yet so I can't watch the ESPN or TNT games yet.

Well, I've got to do my work now... until next time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I finally received my last paycheck from Hong Kong!! Yay! Therefore, I went shopping and thanks to Kevin, I got a ride to the Carlsbad outlets. I went to bebe, Guess, BCBG, Puma, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic... some other ones that I walked through quickly. I bought some kitchen stuff for my mom, and some really tight puma gear for myself.

Once again, Smallville was super cute last night. Too bad we all know the inevitable, Clark and Lana, will eventually be seperated somehow. I think a jealous Chloe will have something to do with it. At least they squeezed in some cute scenes between L & C in last night's episode.

How about those Kings and Lakers games? Well I personally didn't watch them but i was alerted by a certain someone with an online message. He felt like taunting me I suppose. Oh well, in the Kings defense, Hormodz thinks the double losses were a rig to make the playoffs more interesting. I believe it. More games = more money. Makes sense. We all know the Kings and Lakers will meet again.... Bring it on!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Why does it seem like everytime I write an entry it is later and later? Smallville's episode was great today. Clark and Lana are finally getting where they need to be. They're such a cute couple. Doesn't everyone need a Clark Kent in their life?

It is now 4:27am. I can't fall asleep for the life of me. Insomnia has been my enemy since the days of KGV when I was 13 years old. Lately I'm been choosing it as my friend and not fighting it at all. Wow, I actually feel... a little tired, maybe that means I'll be able to fall asleep. My right calf almost cramped on me today when I got off the bike. You would think pulling an all-nighter and not allowing myself any naps during the day would fix my problem. Nope, not happening. Wait, I can feel myself drifting, this is a good sign. Happy dreaming to you all...

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Here I am at the crack of dawn 3:50am writing my blog. I've been trying to modify my website and make it look a bit more professional. It takes an awful long time to each each tiny little detail!

I finally got around to watching my Alias finale tape. WOW. That show is awesome, the plots are so complex and exciting. Big thanks to Cyn for filling me in before the finale so I knew what was going on. Big thanks to Diane for the episode summaries, they were so detailed, I could seriously imagine them clearly. And big thanks to Gary for taping the season for me. Well, tomorrow is Smallville!! Don't we all love May season finale sweeps? Okay, I need to start fighting my jet lag.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Well, this is my first post! I found out about this blogger site from Ravi (Mr. CNN journalist). I thought it was a neat way of informing you all about my day.

I thought I was over my jetlag but apparently not. I'm wide awake at 2:35am pacific time. Let me tell you about the wonderful news I got yesterday morning. I got into the only graduate program I applied to! For a while with my Dad constantly asking what my "backup school/plan" was I began to get paranoid and worried that I wouldn't get in. Fortunately for me I have been accepted and will start, I believe in August. This means I can use their recreation facilities and I won't have to sign up for something ridiculously expensive. Although, LA Fitness is opening up in Mira Mesa (Kevin am I right?) and they should have what they call *deals* for their new opening. Yah, we'll see about that.

Now how about those Dallas Mavs? You know, I went to the same playoff series last year with the Mavs and Kings at Arco Arena (thanks gary for that one :) But hey hey.. go Kobe! haha!!! Yup, still torn (or am I?)

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